Aquela Cia.

Pedro Kosovski and Marco André Nunes founded in 2005 Aquela Cia., a creative art center located in Rio de Janeiro. Their creations interface theater with other artistic languages such as music, dance, performance, urban interventions, audiovisual, and digital art. They work with unpublished dramaturgy crossed by concepts, affective memories, the city, and the social imaginary. They have released their creations in Brazil and at festivals in South America and Europe.

TXAI, so be it

In this journey, the displacement of time from the city to the forest – as Gesileu says – requires the constitution of another sensibility and attention capable of effectively “reading” the signs and tracks in the forest

This is an artistic action that triggered Matafunda’s creation process, which has as its starting point the historic “Langsdorff” expedition that occurred in Brazil during the nineteenth century. In this artistic action, we conducted two immersions in the Tijuca Forest. In the first one, we walked and listened to Gesileu Phaspy Ninawa, a caboclo, a master of medicine of the Amazon Forest, who cultivates, in his residence in Rio Branco, Acre, a living pharmacy. Gesileu learned the uses and preparations of the substances in the traditions of indigenous peoples such as the Huni Kuin and Yawanawa. In this journey, the displacement of time from the city to the forest – as Gesileu says – requires the constitution of another sensibility and attention capable of effectively “reading” the signs and tracks in the forest. In the second immersion, affected by Gesileu’s stories, songs, and medicines, artists perform simultaneously in Rio de Janeiro and Berlin, performances based on the following provocation: “How to be possessed by the forest?”.

With Gesileu Phaspy Ninawa
Creation of Marco André Nunes, Pedro Kosovski, Raquel Villar and Remo Trajano
Invited artists: Blackyva, Cuini da Silva, Eduardo Ibraim, Matheus Macena and Felipe Oládélè
Camera and edition: Diego Avila
Original music: Felipe Storino

