Lotta Ortheil

German Lotta Ortheil is a Phd candidate in Human Geography at Rachel Carson Center and Ludwig-Maximilian-University Munich, researching the potential of urban food forestry, and sustainable development in urban centers and cities. She holds a Master of Science in Climate Change at the University of Ca Foscari in Venice, with a final report in the area of climate services.

Multispecies City

It invites us to think about different ways of multispecies food justice and care in urban environments.

Amendoeira, Pitangueira, Mangueira: food trees are important elements of the city of Rio. Cariocas think differently about these trees in their living environment: some find them disturbing and dangerous; others find them essential. And few have a deeper knowledge and relationship with them.

This project brings two perspectives into dialogue: Dja Guata Porã and Fundação Parques e Jardins, community garden and reforestation agency, Cariri and Fulni-ô, and colonial descendants. The goals are similar: good environmental education and high species diversity. However, the teaching methods are very different. The Fundação Parques e Jardins works with science, individual species and rules. The Dja Guata Porã builds on observation, plant collaboration and exchange.

Food tree systems are landscapes that can make us rethink our relationship with other species and ways of surviving in today’s cities. They tell stories of power and resistance. Using a variety of media, this project captures intimate, collective, and institutional fragments of conversation. It invites us to think about different ways of multispecies food justice and care in urban environments. It hereby also aims to contribute to the discussion of resilient and sustainable urban transitions.

