Txai, so be it

Txai, so be it is an artistic action within the creative process of “Matafunda”, a work in process whose starting point is to critically and historically rethink the Langsdorff expedition that took place in Brazil during the 19th century. In this artistic action, we carried out two immersions in the Tijuca Forest, lasting 8 hours each and with audio-visual recording, where we traced the same path in the Atlantic Forest as a group, which resulted in two videos to be shown simultaneously on two screens. On the first screen, we walk and listen to Gesileu Phaspy Ninawa, a “caboclo”, a master in medicines from the Amazon rainforest, who cultivates a living pharmacy in his home in Rio Branco, Acre. Gesileu learned the uses and preparations of medicinal substances in traditions of indigenous peoples such as Huni Kuin and Yawanawa. On this path, the displacement from the city time and space to that of the forest – as stated by Gesileu – requires the constitution of another sensitivity and attention capable of carrying out an effective “reading” of signs and tracks in the forest. In the second immersion, in dialogue with the stories, songs and medicines of Gesileu, artists follow the same path with the objective of performing a poetic response in direct interaction with the Atlantic Forest. At the same time, in the north of the Atlantic, in Berlin, in an urban environment, Raquel Villar and Remo Trajano react to the provocations of the “caboclo” Gesileu by formulating the following proposition: “How to be possessed by the forest?”.



With Gesileu Phaspy Ninawa
Created by Marco André Nunes and Pedro Kosovski
Artistic collaboration: Raquel Villar and Remo Trajano
Guest Artists: Blackyva, Cuini da Silva, Eduardo Ibraim and Felipe Oládélè
Camera and editing: Diego Avila

